Friday, 30 July 2010

One year Bulbagarden Forums anniversary blog!



As of today, I have been a member of Bulbagarden Forums for one year. (My one year anniversary on Bulbapedia was yesterday)

Over this past year, I've gotten banned a few times, reached over 6400 posts, and made some friends. I also came to realize that I was bisexual thanks to them.

And to not fucking listen to what anyone else fucking says. >:|

Unfortunately, one of those bannings is occurring right now, which is why I'm making this blog post here, and not via Bulbablogs. But, when I get unbanned, I'll probably just make a blog linking to this one, and probably CP this entry too. For the lazy asses who don't wanna bother clicking.

And in case you at all care, here is my profile.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Not much to say for this blog post

Except that I got banned over on Bulbagarden Forums FOR NO DAMN REASON. Just more proof that the mods are just corrupt little bastards who look for anything and everything to infract and ban someone for.

Honestly, just pisses me off because I regularly see much worse and I never see any of those users getting banned. Ever.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Cup Ramen hates me.

It just seems that whenever I make some cup ramen, something goes wrong. Well, you know how after you make pour in the water you close the lid and wait three minutes?

Yeah, whenever I do that, the lid doesn't ever wanna stay on. So, I end up having to stand there for the three minutes waiting...waiting...waiting...

And then the noodles are still crunchy, even after stirring for like a minute. >:C

The noodles don't wanna be slurped either.